Scene 22: (Just like Troy and an epic battle)


[in the boats] Norrington: [sees women in a boat] Hold fire.

Ragetti: [dressed in a dress and holding a parasol] This is just like what the Greeks done at Troy . ‘Cept they was in a horse…instead of dresses. Wooden horse. [while they’re distracting the soldiers and sailors the pirates are boarding the Dauntless]

[on the Dauntless] Governor Swann : [to guard] A moment, please. Elizabeth ? I just want you to know I, uh, I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn’t be more proud of you. [while he talks she throws down a makeshift rope and climbs out into a waiting boat] But, you know, even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision.

Sailor: [spots boat with two women] Lieutenant?

Ragetti: Yoo-hoo!

Governor Swann : Elizabeth ? Are you there? Elizabeth , are you even listening to me? [enters and sees makeshift rope] Oh, what have you done?

Ragetti: Oooh!

Pintel: Stop that! Already feel like a fool.

Ragetti: You look nice, though.

Pintel: I look nice?! [they fight and are revealed; the soldiers on board spot the invading pirates and they fight]

[in the cave; Jack examines the treasure] Barbossa: I must admit, Jack , I thought I had ye figured. But it turns out that you’re a hard man to predict.

Jack : Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly… stupid. [unsheathes a pirate’s sword and throws it to Will ; Jack starts fighting with Barbossa]

Barbossa: You’re off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters.

[on the Black Pearl ; Elizabeth comes on board] Grapple: Right. What would you pick to eat first?

Pirate Guard: I think we should decide now. Just so we’re ready when the time comes.

Both: [monkey falls on cannon] What was that?

[down in the hold] Gibbs : Shh! [sees Elizabeth ] It’s Elizabeth !

[Ragetti and Pintel board and load the cannons, firing them at the approaching boats with the soldiers]

Norrington: [hears bell tolling] Make for the ship! Move!

[the Governor’s wig is being taken by a cursed pirate, he ends up fighting with a severed arm]

[in the cave] Barbossa: You can’t beat me, Jack . [Jack impales him, Barbossa sighs and, taking out the sword, impales Jack ]

Jack : [staggers into the moonlight to reveal a skeleton] That’s interesting. [reveals the medallion] I couldn’t resist, mate. [Barbossa and Jack fight; Jack runs upsets an end table] Sorry.

Barbossa: So what now, Jack Sparrow ? Will it be it two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound?  Hmm?

Jack : Or you could surrender.

Barbossa: Arr. [laughs and runs after Jack ]

[on the Black Pearl ; having just thrown both guards into the sea] Elizabeth : [runs out from the hold with crew] All of you with me. Will is in that cave and we must save him. Ready? And heave! Please, I need your help! Come on!

Parrot: Any port in the storm.

Gibbs : Cotton ’s right, we’ve got the Pearl .

Elizabeth : And what about Jack , you’re just going to leave him?

Sailor: Jack owes us a ship.

Gibbs : And there’s the code to consider.

Elizabeth : The code? You’re pirates. Hang the code, and hang the rules! They’re more like guidelines anyway. [rowing the boat alone to the cave] Bloody pirates.

Ragetti: hEY.

Pintel: What?

Ragetti: Is it supposed to be doing that? [points to the Pearl that’s sailing away]

Pintel: They’re stealing our ship!

Ragetti: Bloody pirates! [is knocked on the head and his wooden eye pops out] Ah, me eye! [crawls after it]


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