Scene 13: ( Jack ’s crew)

Gibbs : Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them, faithful hands before the mast, every man worth his salt. And crazy to boot.

Will : So this is your able-bodied crew?

Jack : You, sailor!

Gibbs : Cotton, sir. 

Jack : Mr. Cotton … do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death? Mr. Cotton ! Answer, man!

Gibbs : He's a mute, sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one’s yet figured how.

Jack : Mr. Cotton 's... parrot. Same question.

Parrot: Wind in the sails! Wind in the sails!

Gibbs : Mostly, we figure, that means “yes.'”

Jack : O’course it does. [to Will ] Satisfied?

Will : Well, you’ve proved they’re mad.

Anamaria: And what’s the benefit for us?

Jack : [comes over to the voice and takes off the sailors hat, revealing a woman] Anamaria. [she slaps him]

Will : I suppose you didn’t deserve that one either.

Jack : No, that one I deserved.

Anamaria: You stole my boat!

Jack : Actually - [she slaps him again] borrowed. Borrowed without permission. But with every intention of bringing it back to you.

Anamaria: But you didn’t!

Jack : You’ll get another one.

Anamaria: [points her forefinger at him] I will.

Will: A better one.

Jack : A better one!

Will: That one. [points to the Interceptor]

Jack : What one? That one?! Aye, that one. What say you?

Crew: Aye!

Cotton’s Parrot: Anchors aweigh.

Gibbs : No, no, no, no, no, it’s frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard, sir.

Jack : It’d be far worse not to have her.

[a storm breaks upon them at sea] Will : How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn’t work?

Gibbs : Aye, the compass doesn’t point north but we’re not trying to find north, are we? [to Jack ] We should drop canvas, sir.

Jack : She can hold a bit longer.

Gibbs : What’s in your head that’s put you in such a fine mood, Captain?

Jack : We’re catching up.
















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